November 19, 2012

Vista Longhorn 5112 Build Theme for Win7

The Windows Vista early builds were called Longhorn. Many of us still remember how stylish these builds were compared to our crusty old Windows XP desktops. They offered transparency as well. So it is with some nostalgia to find a Windows 7 Theme to bring back this familiar look. Below are my results and a link below where you can get it. Very nice job and thanks to the author. Enjoy.


You can download the Longhorn 5112 theme here:

November 14, 2012

How to Use Windows 7 Logo Key Shortcuts


Most keyboards now have a special Windows logo key. Because these keyboards are so prevalent, Windows 7 has increased the number of keyboard shortcuts that use this key. You can use Windows logo key shortcuts for everything from opening key system folders (such as the Control Panel) to flipping through open windows to locking your PC.
The Windows logo key is usually located to the immediate left of the Alt key on the bottom row of the keyboard.
The table that follows lists all the great keyboard shortcuts that Windows 7 supports for those of you with keyboards blessed with the special Windows logo key.
Press ThisTo Do This
WinDisplay or hide the Windows 7 Start Menu
Win+Pause/BreakOpen the System information window
Win+DToggle between hiding all open windows to display the Windows 7desktop and redisplaying all the windows
Win+MMinimize all open windows on the desktop
Win+Shift+MRedisplay all minimized windows on the desktop
Win+EOpen Computer in an Explorer window
Win+FOpen Search Results in an Explorer window
Win+LLock the computer or switch users
Win+ROpen the Run dialog box
Win+TCycle through programs open on the Windows taskbar
Win+TabCycle through open windows in Flip 3-D
Ctrl+Win+TabCycle through open windows in Flip 3-D using your arrow keys
Win+spacebarPreview the desktop by making all open windows transparent except for their outlines
Win+UOpen the Ease of Access Center Control Panel window
Win+XOpen the Windows Mobility Center
Win+[number key]Open Quick Launch buttons on the taskbar in order. For example, when you press Win+1, Windows opens the Internet Explorer window if Internet Explorer is the first Quick Launch button.


November 4, 2012

November Desktop

I've been working at home all week and wanted a clean simple theme. The Win8 Consumer Preview was a nice fit. I disabled transparency, selected the gray color, and combined it with the standard Windows 7 wallpaper in gray to match it. Below is a link where to get it. Very nice. Enjoy.

You can get the Win8 Consumer Preview Theme below: